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2015-07-12 01:15
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,预兆母题在西方文学中的表现论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘    要 摘  要:


摘    要

摘  要:预兆母题作为1种神秘奇幻的有关民俗学心理学的现象,普遍存在于众多的文学作品中,形成了主题学中的1种较为固定的规范化的形式。这类母题对于使得文学作品的情节更加曲折离奇,增强作品的可读性耐读性方面起到了积极的作用。它表现了作者对这种神秘力量的推崇,增强了作品的趣味性和艺术性。西方文学产生预兆母题并不偶然,而是源于1定的宗教观念,有着深刻的社会历史根源。无论是穆斯林们的无所不知的先知还是为救世人而被钉在10字架上的耶稣,在他们的子民心目中都是与有着神秘和强大的操纵命运和预知未来的能力的。表现在文学作品中,预兆母题主要通过神谕、人谕、物兆、梦兆、巫术占卜等形式。使曾经存在过的或还在存在的某种宗教观念,向审美的文学艺术形式积淀和演化。预兆情节在文学作品中表现出信息知识、情节布局、思想美学3种功能,也体现出文学作品特殊的文化内涵。



Motif of the omen , as a kind of mysterious phenomenon about folklore and psychology, have generally existed and taken shape in the numerous literary works,is studied Omen motif as a kind of comparatively fixed standardization in the theme. This kind of motif plays a positive role for making the plot twists of the literary works extraordinary, also in the readability of strengthening the works and able to bear the reading respect. Furthermore it has displayed the authors high praise of such mysterious strength, and has strengthened the interest of the works and artistic strength. It isn’t accidental to produce omen motif in Western literature, but come from certain religious idea and deep social historical origins. No matter the Moslems omniscient prophet or whose Jesus was nailed on the cross for rescuing common people, all with mysterious and strong manipulation destiny and foreseeing future ability in their sub popular feelings eye. Display among literary works, mainly through supernatural indication, human indication, thing promise, dream promise, wizardry person who divine form question, motif of omen . Make a certain religion idea existed ever or in existing, become to the aesthetic literature art form accumulation and evolving. Omen plot demonstrate information knowledge, plot overall arrangement, thought aesthetics among literary works, embody cultural intension with special literary works too. 本文来自中国科教评价网
Key words: Omen; Supernatural indication; Human indication; Thing promise; Dream promise; Wizardry



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