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2015-07-13 01:18
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,对金庸小说中女性形象的类型论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘  要:金庸小说中形形色色、鲜活丰富的女性形


摘  要:金庸小说中形形色色、鲜活丰富的女性形象,具有类型化的特征,根据这些形象的性格把她们分为以下几类:1、性格由张扬到泯灭的女性;2、豪爽大气、精明能干的女性;第3、凶狠歹毒的女性;第4、温柔善良又痴情的女性;第5、我行我素、至死不悔的女性。第1类女性反映了女性总是为了爱情而牺牲事业和失去个性的社会现实,第2类女性反映了男性不敢爱女强人的社会和历史现实,同时这两类女性体现了作者的传统的女性观;第3类女性,有为情而成变得暴戾残忍的也有生性歹毒的,作者有的给予谴责,有的更多的是寄予理解和同情;第4类女性反映了这样1个现实的爱情现象:很好的人并不1定就会得到自己想要的爱;第5类女性代表了现实生活中经历了爱情悲剧的最普通平凡的女性。

关键词:金庸小说   女性形象   类型化   社会现实   女性观


Abstract: The varied, lifelike and abundant women in Jin Yongs novel image, have type characteristics, divide them into the following several kinds according to the personalities of these images: First, the personality is publicized to women who die out; Second, straight forward atmosphere, women knowing the own business; Third, fierce and vicious women; Fourth, gentle kind-heartedness and women of the unreasoning passion; The fifth, stick to ones old way, to women stubbornlying refuse to be repentant. The first type women have reflected the undertaking that women always die for the love and lost social reality of the individual character, the second type women have reflected man do not dare to love the social and historical reality of the woman of exceptional talent and ability , at the same time these two kinds of women reflected the authors traditional views of women; The third type woman, is it is it become ruthless and tyrannical having natural disposition to be vicious too cruel to become for feeling to have, some authors condemn , some mostly place and understand and sympathize with; The fourth type women have reflected such a realistic love phenomenon: Fine person very might not can have to go to love that oneself want; The fifth type women have gone through the most ordinary and most ordinary women with tragic love while representing actual life.

Key words: Jin Yongs novel   Womens image   Type   Social reality


Views of women


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