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2015-07-23 01:04
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论秘书人员的公关意识与公关论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘   要 公关意识,属于


摘   要



The consciousness of public relations, belong to the thought of a kind of modernized administration, idea. It is guiding all public relations behaviors as a kind of profound thought, play an irreplaceable role for the development that is organized, can impel the secretary personnel to put ones own public relations in a kind of conscientious state all the time , thus entry secretary and and double role of public relations naturally, every tasks to finish secretarial job splendidly. Ability whether knowledge combine with practice, result of distillation, it is secretary personnel that finish every task of subjective termses smoothly, the quality of centre of personnels basic quality that it is the secretary, public relations ability is a set concept , it is the combination of completion of different ability , and good possession of public relations ability can deal with for secretary personnel various thing of great importance even quickly and perfectly among working activity. This text should explain to a secretary personnel the importance with consciousness of good public relations and public relations ability theoretically, what public relations consciousness and public relations ability should be possessed and how come, train secretary public relations consciousness and public relations ability of personnel.


Key words: The secretary personnel; Consciousness of public relations;
Public relations ability; Cultivation


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