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2013-10-08 01:45
导读:数学论文毕业论文,矩阵的分解与应用怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 矩阵的分解与


关键词:低秩逼近;矩阵的LU分解;奇异值分解 ;应用

Matrix Decomposition and Its Application

Abstract: Matrix decomposition has been widely applied in many fields. In the numeral value algebra, we can adopt matrix decomposition to solve a problem by transforming the large-scale complicated problem into small-scale simple problems; in the applied statistics, we can get the low rank approximation of the original data matrix through matrix decomposition so as to discover the data’s internal connection. During the machinery’s study and the application of mode identification, the low rank approximation of matrix can largely lower dimensions of the data’s characteristic and conserve the storage and computation resources. This article mainly focused on LU Decomposition, Singular Value Decomposition and their application with examples. The practical examples helped us further understand the matrix decomposition’s application in science and technology field. The adding of MATLAB software computing to the computer procedures processing makes us solve the more complicated problems more quickly and more accurately. 您可以访问中国科教评价网(www.NsEac.com)查看更多相关的文章。
Key words:  the low rank approximation; LU Decomposition of matrix; SVD; application

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