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2013-10-09 01:07
导读:数学论文毕业论文,马尔可夫链的市场经济分析在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 目

目 录

摘  要 1
Abstract 2
前 言 3
1 绪论 4
1.1 马尔可夫过程的历史 4
1.2 马尔可夫过程的直观背景 5
1.3 马尔可夫链在我国目前的研究现状 6
2 马尔可夫链 7
2.1 马尔可夫链的定义 7
2.2 马尔可夫链的几个重要性质 9
3 马尔可夫链的市场预测方法研究 11
3.1  马尔可夫链对市场占有率的预测 11
3.1.1  应用马尔可夫链理论研究市场占有率的前提条件 11
3.1.2  市场预测模型的相关知识介绍 11
3.1.3  市场占有率矩阵的预侧值 12
3.2  转移概率矩阵的调整 15
3.3  公司期望利润预测 18
4 总结 21
参考文献 22
致谢 23




摘  要

关键词:马尔可夫链; 转移概率矩阵; 市场占有率; 期望利润

Abstract (科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)
The Markov chain carried on the forecast using the mathematical model to the qualitative question to provide one kind of mentality, has enriched the forecast content. Carries on the forecast using the Markov chain the basic mentality is: First, regards as the phenomenon is one kind of system, and carries on the science to this system the condition division. The content and needs to divide many conditions which according to the system reality, the system divides each condition which is needs to forecast. Next, carries on the statistical determination to the phenomenon each condition probability of state, also is determines the system currently to be at any condition. Third, each time transition probability which future develops to various systems carries on the forecast, is must determine how the system is shifts. Finally, according to the system current each condition and the transition probability matrix, after extrapolated the system passes through certain shifts, arrives each condition the probability. This article has summarized the Markov chain basic principle, based on economic activity complex, the polytropy and has many random factors characteristics, has used the Markov process basic characteristic, The ingenious structure transition probability matrix, establishes the Markov forecast model, has made the forecast to the commodity market economy development and companys expectation profit.

Keywords:Markov chain; Transition probability matrix; Market share; expectation profit

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