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2013-11-16 02:03
导读:数学论文毕业论文,抽奖系统的JAVA实现论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘 要

  A company want to sale it’s goods by lottery-drawing,it needs a system to produce some lucky user.The system needs a visible window for inputting the user’s information,lucky user’s information can be printed in a table and can be saved in a database.Through analysis ,the Java programming language has a lot of classes which are used to design visible window,.By usingthe JDBC-ODBC bridge we can make the GUI and the database alternately.We can detect some input information by event listener.We can save user’s information easily by document operation.So,I decide to design this system using java programming language.Through a period of time design the system’s function totally realized:input uer’s information visibly,save lucky user’s information,print lucky user’s information.The user’s ID can move in the process of the lottery-drawing.


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