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2014-02-11 02:40
导读:数学论文毕业论文,纵向非均匀等离子体介质中厄密高斯光束的线性怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 纵向


Study on the linear propagation of Hermite-Gauss beam in longitudinal inhomogeneous plasmas

Abstract: In this paper, the linear paraxial propagation properties of Hermite-Gauss beam in longitudinal inhomogeneous plasmas in studied. From the Maxwell’s equations and the cold fluid (electron) equation, we derive the linear propagation equation for laser beam field. Making use of the paraxial approximation and the slowly-varying envelope approximation, a linear paraxial equation modified by longitudinal inhomogeneous  plasma is obtained, from which, we derive a general solution in the form of diffraction-integral for the beam field using the Fourier transform technique. This general solution can used to analyze the beam propagation properties in all kinds of longitudinal inhomogeneous plasmas as long as the initial form of the beam is given. And the total power and the power in barrel (PIB) of the beam with initial Hermite-Gauss form is analyzed. It is found that longitudinal inhomogeneous density enhances the powers.


Key words: Hermite-Gauss beam; plasma; propagation properties; analytic solution

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