2015-12-15 01:08
摘要:青少年旅游有其特殊的市场形成机制和旅游特征,大力培育青少年旅游市场,具有重要意义。近年来,青少年旅游呈现蓬勃发展之势,但也存在着诸多题目,真正意义上的青少年旅游市场尚未形成。培育青少年旅游市场,应该形成“服务提供者—旅游组织者—旅游提供者—旅游受众群体”各方协调合作的组织运作模式,旅游产品开发应体现娱乐性、健康性、教育性、实践性、安全性的特征,并形成良好的政策环境支持体系,从而使青少年这一特殊的旅游市场得到深度开发并日益壮大。 关键词:青少年;旅游市场;模式
Abstract: The young people travel has its special market form mechanism and the traveling characteristics, to cultivate the young people travel market vigorously, has vital significance. In recent years, the young people travel has developed vigorously, but also has many problems, so that the young people travel market in the true sense has not formed yet. To cultivate the young people travel market, should to form an organization operation pattern of “the service provider- traveling organizer - traveling tenderer - traveling numerous communities” and all quarters coordinate. The traveling products should manifest characteristics, such as entertainment, healthily, educational, practicality, secure characteristic, etc. And to form a good policy environment support system.Thus, the special traveling market about the young people will obtain develop deeply and to expand day by day.
Keyword: Teenager; Travel market; Mode