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2016-11-22 01:21
导读:注释: ①Christopher,M.,Towill,D.R.,2000. Supply chain migration from lean and functional to agile and customized. Sup-ply Chain Management 5(4):206-213. 参考文献: [1]P.Kochel,U.

  ①Christopher,M.,Towill,D.R.,2000. Supply chain migration from lean and functional to agile and customized. Sup-ply Chain Management 5(4):206-213.
  [1]P.Kochel,U.nielander. Simulation-based optimization of multi-echelon inventory systems. International journal of production economics.2004
  [2]R.Stratton,R.D.H Warburton. The strategic integration of agile and lean supply International journal of production eco-nomics.2003.(85):183-198.
  [3]Janne Huiskonen. Maintenance spare parts logistics:Special characteristics and strategic choices. International journal of production economics.2001.(71):125-133.
  [4]Jeffery K cochran,Theodore P.Lewis. Computing small-fleet aircraft availabilities including redundancy and spares.Computers
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