2014-07-28 01:14
导读:结尾 基于43遗传密码表从产生到运用发生的系列错误,同时根据碰撞理论等反应机制的内在需求,笔者建议化学家和数学家联手建立一个平面内物质分子关
结 尾
基于43 遗传密码表从产生到运用发生的系列错误,同时根据碰撞理论等反应机制的内在需求,笔者建议化学家和数学家联手建立一个平面内物质分子关于其构成原子的排列数模型(用平面上的排列数语言描述物质分子的空间几何形象)和反应发生时生成物分子关于反应物分子的排列数模型(用反应物的排列数语言而不是组合数语言描述反应发生的机理),从而保证排列数方法在化学反应中的正确运用。
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2 、 张文彦、支继军、张继光主编,科学技术文献出版社,1992年,《自然科学大事典》:548-549
3 、北京农业大学 主编,农业出版社,1982年,《植物生理学》:46
同济大学数学教研室 编,高等教育出版社,1998年,《线性代数》:63
5、 [英] B.F.C.克拉克 著,钟安环译,科学出版社,1982年,《遗传密码》:36
6、 [美] Lubert Stryer 著 唐有祺、张惠珠、吴相钰等译校,
7、 邢其毅、徐瑞秋等 著,高等教育出版社,2002年,《有机化学》:13
(科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)
The 43 Table of Genetic Codes Given
by F.H.C. Crick Is Completely Wrong.
YANG Xing Yang
E-mail : starsunyumei @163. com
Abstract : This paper mainly reports the series of error existing in the 43 table of genetic codes given by F. H. C. Crick as following show:
(一) 、The 64 permutations of Adenosine , Guanosine , Cytidine , and Uridine versus 20 different amino acids is a big mathematical error for there is no necessary element ~permutation relationship between nucleotides (or nucleosides ) and amino acids.
(二)、If selected three nucleotides from four as Adenosine , Guanosine , Cytidine , and Uridine , then the total number of permutations are not only 64 . At the same time , that 64 permutations linearly connects to each other do not express the real spacial DNA molecule and mRNA molecule , for real DNA chain and mRNA chain themselves have already been the spacial permutations on different carbon atoms , different hydrogen atoms , different oxygen atoms , different nitrogen atoms , and different phosphor atoms ; and that 61 amino acids and 3 terminal signal molecules linearly connects together do not express the real spacial protein molecule , for the real protein molecule itself has already been the spacial permutation on different carbon atoms , different hydrogen atoms , different oxygen atoms , different nitrogen atoms , and different sulfur atoms.
(三)、 The 43 table of genetic codes is in fact that 64 segments of spacial room in real DNA molecule versus a real molecule of amino acids in protein , which is an obvious logical error .
(四)、Each relevant experiment proved the table of genetic codes has its own permutable pattern from chemical reactants to products , instead of the descriptions in the table of genetic codes .
(五)、The application of the genetic codes is another kind of permutable calculation . From DNA chain to mRNA chain , t RNA , ribosome , peptides ,
and to protein , each step has its own permutable calculation from chemical reactants to products . None step has an indispensable relationship with the table of genetic codes .
Key Words : 43 table of genetic codes ; permutable calculation ; wrong .