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目的:观察绝经后妇女取环前应用乙烯雌酚的临床疗效,以减轻绝经妇女取环手术中的痛苦,预防取环带来的并发症,提高取环手术的成功率。 方法:术前每晚阴道内放1片(0.5mg)乙烯雌酚,连用6天,于第7天取环。 结果:患者应用乙烯雌酚软化宫颈,扩张宫颈取得了满意效果。 结论:我们认为乙烯雌酚在绝经妇女取IUD中,减少了取环带来的痛苦,预防了并发症,提高了取环成功率。
Purpose: to observe take ring postmenopausal women before application the clinical curative effect of ethylene female phenol, in order to reduce postmenopausal women take the pain, prevent ring surgery take ring complications, improve the success rate of take ring surgery. Methods: preoperative nightly vagina put 1 piece (0.5 mg) ethylene female phenolic, repeat the first six days, 7 days in hospital take rings. Results: patients application ethylene female phenolic soften the cervix, expansion cervical achieved satisfactory results. Conclusion: we think vinyl female in postmenopausal women take IUD phenol, reducing the take ring in the pain, prevent complications, improve the success rate take ring.
Ethylene female phenolic; Postmenopausal women; Intrauterine device