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关键词:GPS(RTK) 工程放样 点放样 曲线放样 地籍测量 界址点
ABSTRACT:The present paper is mainly introduced GPS(RTK) the basic principle, the system composition, the technical characteristic, the error source and the application method and the sequence of operation, and carry on a lofting, the curve lofting as well as using GPS(RTK) in the project survey carry on the boundary point survey in the cadastration, carries on the precision analysis to the measurement result. Through to the lofting and the boundary point precision analysis, has obtained the GPS(RTK) measuring accuracy is may achieve the project lofting and the boundary point survey precision request conclusion, and explained through the project example GPS(RTK) has the working efficiency high, the pointing accuracy high, the all-weather work, data-handling capacity strong and the operation simple easy to use and so on the characteristics. Elaborated us through this article to understand how used GPS(RTK) to carry on the project lofting and the boundary point survey, and was GPS(RTK) has carried on the proof in the project lofting and the boundary point survey feasibility, has developed GPS(RTK) in the survey domain application scope, strengthened has used GPS(RTK) the actual operation ability, will undertake the more surveying work for later to lay the foundation.
Key words:GPS(RTK);Project lofting; Lofting;Curve lofting;Cadastration; Boundary point
第1章 绪 论
1.1 概述
全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)是由美国国防部联合美国海、陆、空三军为满足其军事导航定位而建立的无线电导航定位系统。其系统从1973年开始研究,到1993年完成全部工作卫星组网工作。该系统由24颗卫星组成,卫星分布在相隔60°的6个轨道面上,轨道倾角55°卫星高度20200km,卫星运行周期11h58m,这样在地球上任何地点、任何时间都可以接收至少4颗卫星运行定位。由于GPS具有实时提供三维坐标的能力,因此在民用、商业、科学研究上也得到了广泛应用。它不仅具有全球性、全天候、连续的精密三维导航与定位能力,而且具有良好的抗干扰性和保密性。从静态定位到快速定位、动态定位,GPS技术已广泛应用于测绘工作中。
RTK(Real Time kinematic)是GPS发展的最新成果,它弥补GPS原有的不足之处,它不仅具有GPS原有的全天候、高精度、无须光学通视的特点,而且还可以为测量提供实时的定位结果,可以说RTK的产生是GPS应用的拓展,是测量方法的又一次突破,是测量史上的又一次变革。由于RTK能够实时提供高精度的定位结果,所以有人又称它为“GPS全站仪”。
1.2 RTK应用于工程放样和界址点测量的分析