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2017-09-02 02:52
Abstract:In order to achieve the development strategy and economic targets,increasing the ardor and performance level of all it餾 numbers,a all瞫ided performance evaluating system should designed by analyzing it餾 development strategy and economic targets,it will guide and encourage it餾 numbers to do their best.Here,I show to found a new performance system as PM21 by the studying about the current performance management and it餾 theory in the new century.Under it餾 founding and running,the PM21 system would make a just,fiarly,open working surroundings,that as “rewardds dase on his or her contribution,promotion because his or her ability,appraising with right way,managing with rules”and it will be a new profits growth pole for the enterprise.
Keywords:PerformancePerformance managementPerformance communicatePerformance appraise
    上一篇:绩效治理的难点及对策 下一篇:分析着力提升新形势下的工商管理领导能力