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2017-09-30 01:06



关键词:上市公司;资本结构 ;优化

The Discusstion of Optimazing the Capital Structure of the Listed Company of Our Country
Abstract :After the 1990s, under the support and pushes of the government, more and more of our business enterprises headed for the capital market, openly issued stocks and became listed companies. Along with the development of our countrys capital market, the listed companies are getting continuously stronger. In the process of development, these companies face many problems and blemishes, and particularly there exist many imperfect places in the capital structure, which obstructed the further development of the capital market, and affected the healthy and fast development of the macro-economy. Therefore,the research on capital structure of listed companies in China has undoubtedly profound realistic meanings. At first, the paper introduced the capital structure and analyzed the capitals structure theories; secondly,described the basic present condition of capital structure of listed company in China from the total liabilities level, the ownership of a share structure and the obligation margin structure etc; then analyzed the factors that influence capital structure of the listed companies;at last,put forward the excellent measures of optimazing the listed companies of our country.

Key words: Listed company; Capital structure; Optimaze (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)

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