2014-09-23 01:43
作者:张春举,袁栎,周锦勇,德伟 【关键词】 胰岛素
【关键词】 胰岛素
Regulation of IGFBP2 gene expression in rat insulin producing cell line INS1
【Abstract】 AIM: To study the effects of glucose, insulin and growth hormone (GH) on expression of IGFBP2 (insulinlike growth factor binding protein 2) mRNA in INS1 cell line and to analyze the mechanism of IGFBP2 regulation. METHODS: Northern blot analysis was performed for the expression of IGFBP2 mRNA and enzymelinked immunoadsorbent assay for the determination of insulin release in this cellline. RESLUTS: Northern blot analysis showed that different glucose concentration could make a discordant effect on IGFBP2 gene expression. The secretion of insulin increased and the expression of IGFBP2 mRNA was suppressed when cells were kept at high glucose concentration. On the contrary, IGFBP2 mRNA could be well detected in cells that were kept at low glucose while the insulin secreted normally. After 16h incubation, exogenous GH inhibited the expression of IGFBP2 and at the same time the secretion of insulin increased. The expression of IGFBP2 mRNA was inhibited by exogenous insulin at a low glucose concentration condition. CONCLUSION: The effects of glucose and GH on the expression of IGFBP2 mRNA are inhibited by insulin.
【Keywords】 insulinlike growth factorbinding protein 2; RNA, messenger; insulin; glucose; growth hormone; INS1 cell
【摘要】 目的: 研究大鼠胰腺肿瘤β细胞(INS1)中, 葡萄糖(Glucose)、胰岛素(Insulin)和生长激素(GH)对胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白2 (IGFBP2)基因的表达调控,探索IGFBP2基因调节机制及其在维持正常胰腺细胞生理功能中的作用. 方法: RNA印迹法(Northern blotting)检测INS1细胞IGFBP2 mRNA的表达, 酶标法测定INS1细胞胰岛素分泌量. 结果: 葡萄糖对IGFBP2 mRNA调节作用不同; 高浓度(10mmol/L)葡萄糖条件下,胰岛素分泌量增加,而IGFBP2 mRNA表达被抑制;低浓度(1~5.6 mmol/L)葡萄糖条件下,胰岛素分泌量无显著性变化,IGFBP2 mRNA正常表达. INS1细胞在不完全培养液中,加入GH培养,在不同时间间隔提取培养液进行IGFBP2 mRNA检测,结果发现,培养16 h以上,IGFBP2 mRNA表达开始显著下降. 外源胰岛素抑制IGFBP2 mRNA的表达. 结论: 葡萄糖和生长激素对INS1细胞中IGFBP2 mRNA表达的抑制作用是通过胰岛素调控的.
(转载自http://zw.nseac.coM科教作文网) 【关键词】 胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白质2;RNA,信使;胰岛素;葡萄糖;生长激素;INS1细胞
在体内生长激素和催乳素等对胰腺β细胞具有促进细胞增生和胰岛素分泌的作用[1], 同样, 葡萄糖可促进胰岛素分泌[2]. 另外, 胰岛细胞中存在着胰岛素样生长因子(Insulinlike growth factors, IGFs),对细胞增生和分化有促进作用,通过内分泌 、自分泌和旁分泌三种形式作用于细胞. IGFI在胰岛α细胞中表达[3]. IGFII基因在胎儿期多数组织中和胰腺β细胞中表达,在胰腺β细胞中存在着胰岛素、IGFI和IGFII受体[4]. IGFs根据不同靶器官与相应的特异性蛋白结合(IGFBPs, IGF Binding Proteins)来调节其生物活性. 迄今为止,已发现6种IGFBPs[5,6],在血液循环系统中主要是以IGFBP3形式存在,分子质量为150 ku,IGFBP2和3在胰腺中有表达[7,8]. 通过研究葡萄糖、外源胰岛素和生长激素对INS1细胞中的IGFBP2基因的表达调控,探索维持胰腺β细胞分泌胰岛素的代谢调节机制.
牛生长激素(bGH)USAD Reproduction Lab (Beltsville, USA)提供. 重组人胰岛素由Kabi公司惠赠,胰岛素酶标试剂盒从深圳阿尔法公司购置. INS1细胞在完全培养液(CM; RPMI1640, 2 mmol/L Gln, 100 kU/L青霉素,100 mg/L链霉素,1 mmol/L丙酮酸钠,100 ml/L热灭活胎牛血清(heat inactivated fetal calf serum, HIFCS),10 mmol/L HEPES, 50 μmol/L巯基乙醇)中培养. 其余试剂购自Sigma公司.