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2014-11-03 01:14

摘  要:区域旅游联合发展为区域旅游的发展提供了广阔的空间,依托长株潭经济1体化,推行旅游1体化。文中探讨了长株潭旅游1体化的基本内涵和现实意义,分析了该地区旅游1体化的动因,提出了3市旅游1体化的模式及发展策略:(1)加快长株潭地区旅游业配套基础设施的建设;(2)打造长株潭地区文化旅游品牌;(3)对旅游资源进行整体开发等。
Study on the Tourism Integration of Chang-Zhu-Tan Area

Abstract:The united development of regional tourism which supplies wide space for regional tourism development, the basic intention of the tourism integration in Chang-Zhu-Tan is explored and limited factors of the united tourism development of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan region.put forward some measures and modes about tourism cooperation of the 3 cities.Finally pointed out the strategy of tourism development, recently.such as Speeds up to construct tourism necessary infrastructure and makes the brand of culture traveling in Chang-Zhu-Tan area, and over-all development of tourism resources, and so on.
Key words:Chang-Zhu-Tan Area; tourism integration; mode and development strategy

    上一篇:创造性思维在旅游业的运用 下一篇:当前酒店员工培训的主要问题及对策研究