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摘 要:如何提高员工的服务质量,更好地增强酒店竞争力,培训是1个不容忽视的大问题。文章中详实的列举了我国酒店行业以往在员工培训的内容、方式以及培训体系等方面存在的问题,针对这些问题,并且借鉴了优秀酒店在培训方面的成功模式,提出了在我国酒店业培训方面的相应对策。
The Major Problems and Countermeasures in Hotel Staff Training at present
Abstract: How to raise the quality of services, to better enhance the competitiveness of the hotel, training is one that should not be overlooked big problem. The article detailed list of Chinas hotel industry in the past, staff training, methods and training system and other aspects of the issue. To address these issues, and from the excellent training in the hotels successful model suggest Chinas hotel industry in the training of corresponding measures.
Keywords: Hotel; Hotel staff training; Countermeasure