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2015-04-17 01:01


关键字:互联网; 网络广告; 第4媒体

The measures and problems are faced by network advertisement
Abstract: With communications networks and the rapid development of technology, Internet advertising as a new form of advertising, upon its unique advantages, as well as traditional advertising integration make itself develop very rapidly, but has also brought some problems have not been satisfactorily resolved.
This paper consists of three parts, to study advertising network facing the problems and countermeasures. The first part analyzes the form of the network advertising, its features and the distinction between traditional advertising. The second part shows that advertising creativity is limited at present, and lacks scientific injected form, sales promotion result is not satisfactory,   legal limit is fuzzy, and so on. The third part is aimed at advertising network currently exist on the question of targeted research potential clients, developing friendly interactive advertising network technology and the Internet advertising market regulatory and legal system building, advertising network detection system several policies accordingly


Network advertising as new thing has not enough countermeasures, therefore the study of network advertising is necessary and urgent. To analyze its problems and make it regulate, more fully play the role of network advertising is the purpose of this document.

Keywords: Internet; network advertisement; The fourth media

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