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2015-04-22 01:14


关键词: 电子商务;网络营销;问题;对策

The Problem of Network Marketing and Countermeasure Analysis in Our Country
Abstract: Network marketing is an important part of E-commerce . It refers to a kind of marketing activity closed with network resources. It greatly enriches the mode of modern marketing.
     This paper will first analysize the unique and irreplaceable advantages of network marketing by comparing network marketing with traditional marketing. For example, network marketing contributes to completing the global marketing, reducing expenditures and the inventory, shortening the cycly of production, and improving market share. Changes of objective environment requires the enterprises to conduct network marketing. However, at present, network marketing in our country still has many problems, such as, security issues, personnel issues, logistics, and uncertainty in the implementation of network marketing. Facing these problems, which trouble the development of network marketing, network marketing should focus on the improvement of security management, personnel training, logistics system, establishment of risk management, and other measures, in order to ensure the implementation of network marketing and create greater efficiency for the enterprises.

(科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)

As more people enter the Internet world, tomorrow of network marketing will be even better. Based on e-commerce, network marketing is definitely a rising mode of marketing ,worth looking forward to.

Key Words: E-commerce; network marketing; problems; marketing game

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