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现当代文学 | 英美文学 | 通讯工程 | 网络工程 | 行政管理 | 公共管理 | 自动化 | 艺术 | 音乐 | 舞蹈 | 美术 | 本科 | 教育 | 英语 |


2015-04-21 01:22


关键词:现代物流; 货运代理; 发展现状; 发展对策

Research on Chinese Freight Forwarding Business Development Under the Modern Logistics Development Trend

Abstract:In the economic globalization development and information technology promote modern logistics development, Freight forwarders as an international logistics enterprises in the services economy entities, the modern logistics development trend effect on its development. This article is in this context of the times, Thinking freight forwarders enterprise development in china, to understand, analyze and solve the freight forwarding business development problems of china. The first part is give a brief introduction about modern logistics and freight forwarding relevant knowledge. Also introduce freight forwarding business development status of china, The second part is analysis freight forwarding business development status of china, The third part is pointed out and analysis the freight forwarders development problems of china. The third part is the problem corresponding solutions, The four part is forecast of freight forwarding business development prospects of our country . (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.nseac.com
Keyword: Modern Logistics; Freight Forwarders; Development Status ; Development Strategy


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