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2015-04-19 01:08

摘要: 我国民营企业数量多、地区分布广、行业分布跨度大、层次差异大。民营企业电子商务发展的水平,可以从1定程度上反映我国企业电子商务及整体信息化发展状况。本文从民营企业现阶段实施电子商务的优势、遇到的问题以及发展对策等几个主要方面来分析民营企业的电子商务。在向信息经济世界的转变过程中,传统商务由于存在太多的弊端,已经不能胜任现时条件下的商务环境.电子商务作为因特网技术发展日益成熟的直接结果,是未来商业发展的新方向.
关键词: 民营企业;电子商务;信息化;网上交易

Abstract: Our country non-governmentally operated enterprise quantity is many , area distribution is broad , the industry distribution span is big , arrangement of ideas difference is big. Level that non-governmentally operated enterprise Electronic Commerce develops, can reflect our country enterprise Electronic Commerce and informatization overall development situation on secondary certain degree. From non-governmentally operated enterprise present stage several such as putting the Electronic Commerce advantage , the problem coming across into practice and developing a countermeasure, the principal aspect comes to analyse the non-governmentally operated enterprise Electronic Commerce the main body of a book. That in the process of the change to the information economy world, the abuse that tradition business affairs many very much because of existence, already can not be competent for lower at present condition business affairs environment Electronic Commerce developing gradually mature direct result as Internet technology, is that future commerce develops。

Keywords: Non-governmentally operated enterprise; E-commerce; Informatization; Internet transactions (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.Com编辑整理)

    上一篇:企业实施电子商务的成本与效益模型初探 下一篇:没有了