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Research on the development of Electronic Commerce logistics
in Railway parcel&luggage transportation
Abstract: This article is the attempt of the development of electronic commerce logistics in railway parcel&luggage transportation,analyzing development of electronic commerce logistics in railway parcel&luggage transportation,to seek the effective way of development of electronic commerce logistics in railway parcel&luggage transportation.The whole paper includes four parts.The first part introduces the concepts and actuality of railway parcel&luggage transportation.The second part analyze the reason and necessarily of development of electronic commerce logistics in railway parcel&luggage transportation. The third part emphatically from the following tow aspects : advantages and efficiency in detail analyze the feasibility of development of electronic commerce logistics in railway parcel&luggage transportation.The forth part based on the analysis of forward parts ,expatiate the advises to develop electronic commerce logistics in railway parcel&luggage transportation.
Key words: Electronic Commerce; Logistics ; Railway; Parcel&Luggage transportation (科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)