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2015-04-19 01:08


关键词  电子商务;成本;效益;模型

Preliminary Research of Cost & Profit Model about enterprise carries Electronic Commerce into execution
This paper use a certain enterprise’s cost and profit before actualize E-commerce contrast with the cost of the enterprise actualize electronic commerce, and the cost and profit after it actualized electronic commerce in a certain time through supposed that the enterprise has been placed in the complete competition market. At last, it construct a cost and profit model about the enterprise actualize electronic commerce. From this model, we can find the origin of the main profits growth after the enterprise actualized electronic commerce. At the same time, the article analyzed in what’s condition the enterprise actualize E-commerce can acquire more benefits, and should carries E-commerce into execution; in what’s condition the enterprise actualize E-commerce can’t bring influence to the profits of the enterprise; in what’s condition the enterprise actualize E-commerce will cause the “Productivity Paradox” that make the enterprise’s profits down. The model offer a reference about the enterprise choose to actualize E-commerce or not. Moreover, the article analyze some problems and the methods of resolve these problems the model have. Finally, the paper bring prospect for the enterprise actualize E-commerce in the future. 

Keywords  Electronic Commerce; Cost; Profit; Model 中国大学排名

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