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2017-12-24 01:38
导读:法律论文毕业论文,不良资产证券化法律问题研究律毕业论文论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘     要




Asset Bscked Securitization(ABS)is one kind of new financial innovation tool, which deal with in developed Western countries is won assets quilt applying sufficiently and achieving good results. The theory basis is upper in analysing bad assets bond-rization , profiting from the western developed country not good property negotiable securities experience, which is tied in wedlock bond-rization bad our country assets reality, Proposing the impetus and the implementation not good property negotiable securities a series of laws system tentative plan: liberalize the organization investor enter the market the limitation, to consummate the market operation mechanism, the accounting law and the tax law and so on,ensure that bad assets bond-rization is put into effect in smooth of our country thereby on legal institutions.

Key word:  Bad assets;  Negotiable securities;  Legal matter; Legal countermeasure

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