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2017-12-27 01:48
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论土地征收相对人的法律地位律毕业论文在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘    要

Land acquisition as a real change in a special form, China has been regarded as administrative means to allocate land rights of way. Land acquisition of the state, the collective and personal conflicts of interest and the balance of interests, far-reaching impact on society. If handled properly, it may damage the interests of all parties, the impact of acquiring land to proceed smoothly, the result levy purposes can not be achieved, even lead to social unrest. Therefore, we must standardize the land acquisition system. Meanwhile, the paper from the land for the increase relative to the legal status increase their participation and influence of land acquisition, the ability to elaborate. With a view to acquiring land to provide an effective system of regulation proposals protecting the land for the relative interests and the legitimate purpose of acquiring land to complete the double objective.
Keywords : Relative to the land acquisition; Legal status; Collective land ownership; Contracted land management rights



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