计算机应用 | 古代文学 | 市场营销 | 生命科学 | 交通物流 | 财务管理 | 历史学 | 毕业 | 哲学 | 政治 | 财税 | 经济 | 金融 | 审计 | 法学 | 护理学 | 国际经济与贸易
计算机软件 | 新闻传播 | 电子商务 | 土木工程 | 临床医学 | 旅游管理 | 建筑学 | 文学 | 化学 | 数学 | 物理 | 地理 | 理工 | 生命 | 文化 | 企业管理 | 电子信息工程
计算机网络 | 语言文学 | 信息安全 | 工程力学 | 工商管理 | 经济管理 | 计算机 | 机电 | 材料 | 医学 | 药学 | 会计 | 硕士 | 法律 | MBA
现当代文学 | 英美文学 | 通讯工程 | 网络工程 | 行政管理 | 公共管理 | 自动化 | 艺术 | 音乐 | 舞蹈 | 美术 | 本科 | 教育 | 英语 |


2016-02-15 01:37

摘 要


The paper discusses about development methods, system functions and implement of an electronic commerce shopping system. According to the practice requirements after I have made investigation and analysis of some current electronic commerce shopping sites, and considered the ASP.NET have many advantages such as: running efficiency, high extensibility, good reliability and lively WEB page, and so on. I works out a detail implement scheme by observing and analyzing the WEB site of electronic commerce shopping system. The system is based on ASP.NET, The main functions of the system: dynamic management, classifying display, hitting rank, new merchandise, information research, users management, shopping cart management, process of purchase and website’s management has been realized. Authorized clients can scan the merchandise and management by the man-machine conversation more efficiently, and it can also deal with behavior recording.


During the course of writing the article, I strive to integrate theory and practice. While expatriating the different kind of theories, I illuminate the application and operation skill combining the system so as to fully incarnate the application of these theories and techniques to the system.

Key Words: Electronic Commerce; C#; .NET Technology; BtoC


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