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The Design of Gymnasium Management System
Abstract: This graduation design is a management information system developed according to the characteristics of small-scale gymnasium, named gymnasium Management System. After investigating the daily business of gymnasium of this kind, it is figured out that the demand of this system is to implement the informationization of the daily business and automation of management. Besides, this system should solve the tedious problem of employee management,servings management,equipment management and charge management.
Functionally, this system can be divided into the following five kinds of modules, daily business management,basic information,charge management and query,equipment management and maintenance of system.daily business management:
including adding, modifying, deleting and inquiring users information,employee’s information.Basic information: adding, modifying, deleting and inquiring Information of the customer,member card and the servings; charge management and query: charge management,canceling the serving and inquire about of the charge management,canceling the servings;equipment management: including enregistering the information of purchasing and the destroy equipment; maintenance of system:including backup, furbish and initialize database.
This system,through establishing users authority, different views and operations can be provided to different users, enabling the staff to each construct their duties and the convenient management to the staff. Having adopted the unified interface in addition, and offering a large amount of directives and warnings, it is quite convenient for user to work along with this system. It can reduce the possibility making mistakes too.at the same time, guarantee the exactness, integrality and consistency of the data. the information that and has offered a large amount of operation to brief on and make mistakes, helping users use a software greatly , reduced the possibility making mistakes too at the same time , have guaranteed the exactness,integrality and consistency of the data. This software system can makes the small-scale gymnasium implement the informationization of management, reduce the labor cost, and enhance benefit of the gymnasium to a certain extent.
Keywords: Management Information System;Decision support;Database development
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
前言 3
1 绪论 4
1.1 国内外现状 4
1.2 开发背景 4
1.3 开发意义 4
1.4开发目的 4
2 开发环境 5
2.1 DELPHI简介 5
2.1.1 Delphi概述 5
2.1.2 Delphi的主要特点 6
2.1.3 Delphi访问数据库 8
2.1.4 Delphi常用组件的使用 8
2.2 SQL SERVER 2000简介 12
2.2.1 Microsoft SQL Server 2000的特性 12
2.2.2 数据库构架 13
3 需求分析 16
3.1 任务概述 16
3.2 数据描述 16
3.2.1 静态数据 16
3.2.2 动态数据 16
3.2.3 数据库描述 16
3.2.4 数据字典设计 17
3.3 功能需求 20
3.3.1 功能划分 20
3.3.2 功能描述 20
3.4 性能需求 23
3.4.1 数据精确度 23
3.4.2 时间特性 23
3.5 运行需求 23
3.5.1 用户界面 23
3.5.2 硬件接口 23
3.5.3 软件接口 24
3.6安全性需求 24
4总体设计 25
4.1 功能设计 25
4.1.1 系统功能设计 25
4.1.2 基本设计概念和处理流程 25
4.1.3 结构 25
4.1.4 功能需求与系统模块的关系 27
4.2 接口设计 28
4.2.1 用户接口 28
4.2.2 外部接口 28
4.2.3 内部接口 28
4.3 系统数据结构设计 29
4.3.1 逻辑结构设计 29
4.3.2 数据结构与程序的关系 34
4.4 系统出错设计 35
4.4.1 出错信息 35
4.4.2 补救措施 35
4.5 安全保密设计 35
5详细设计与实现 36
5.1系统登陆模块设计与实现 36
5.2 员工信息模块设计与实现 37
5.3 操作员管理模块设计与实现 40
5.4 服务基础信息模块设计与实现 42
5.5 客户信息管理模块设计与实现 44
5.6 设备入库管理模块设计与实现 46
5.7 收费管理模块设计与实现 48
5.8 收费查询模块设计与实现 51
5.9 数据库备份模块设计与实现 52
6 系统测试与维护 54
6.1 系统测试 54
6.2 系统维护 54
7 结束语 55
参考文献 56 (转载自http://zw.nseac.coM科教作文网)
致谢 57