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摘 要: 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现物流管理势在必行。本系统是根据物流公司业务的特点,经过1定的需求分析,采用功能强大的Delphi 7作为开发工具,SQL Server2000作为数据库开发出来的物流管理系统。
Design and Realization of Logistics Manegement System
Abstract:With the development speed of the computer technology at full, the popularization which the computer uses in business administration, it is imperative in management to make use of computer to realize the logistics. This system, according to the characteristic of the logistics company, through certain demand analysis, adopt powerful Delphi 7 as the developing instrument and the administrative system of logistics that SQL Server 2000 came out as database development.
The whole system sets out from according with the easy and simple to handle demand with friendly , flexible , practical , safe boundary plane, finish the logistics and manage the whole course.It includes the company basic information module, the department basic information module, the staff basic information module, the customer basic information module, the driver basic information module, the vehicles basic information module, the cargo application information module, the cargo consign for shipment, the management mold block, the customer approval module, the physical distribution management system design The realization can meet the demand of the general logistics company. (转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )
The paper has introduced the development background of a subject, developing instrument, the finished function and the course of develop processing. Importmently,it introductions how to design and realization of the system.
Key words:Logistics; Logistics management; Customer .
前言 1
1 物流信息管理系统概述 2
1.1 物流信息管理系统的概念 2
1.2 物流信息管理系统的组成 2
1.3 物流信息管理系统的特点 2
1.4开发物流管理系统的背景 3
1.5 物流管理系统的需求分析 3
1.5.1 用户需求分析 4
1.5.2 功能需求分析 4
2 开发工具简介 5
2.1 Delphi概述 5
2.1.1 面向对象编程 5
2.1.2 面向对象编程的作用 5
2.1.3 Windows 2000 编程和事件驱动 5
2.1.4 Delphi数据库的体系结构 6
2.1.5 Delphi可视化编程 7
2.2 SQL Server 2000简介 8
2.2.1 SQL Server 8
2.2.2 SQL Server的运行环境 9
2.2.3 SQL Server 安全性 9
2.2.4 SQL Server的特性 9
2.2.5 用来操纵数据的SQL命令 9
3 总体设计 11
3.1 功能结构 11
3.2 数据流图 11
3.3 编码设计 13
4 数据库设计 15
4.1 数据库设计的原则 15
4.2 系统E-R图与关系模型 15
4.3 数据库表结构设计 16
5 详细设计与实现 23
5.1 主窗口模块设计 23
5.1.1窗体设计步骤 23
5.1.2 菜单设计 24
5.2 数据模块设计 28
5.3 系统登录模块设计 29
5.4 客户基本信息模块设计 32
5.5 公司基本信息模块设计 35
5.6 货物申请信息模块设计 37
5.7 货物托运模块设计 38
5.8 权限管理模块设计 39
6 系统测试与运行 41
6.1 系统调试 41
6.2 总体运行 41
总结 42
参考文献 43
致谢 44