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2016-06-28 01:03


关键字:工作流;Java Server Page(JSP);Microsoft SQL Server 2000;JavaBean

The technical realization of telecommunication business work flow
——flow monitoring and compiling model

Abstract:For the 21st century is the network rapid development time, the surfer and founding the website already become the hottest topic of discussions.  The information management system which is based on the Internet technology is changing the telecommunication information management pattern. It forces telecommunication to relocate itself and consider own organization construction 、the service routine and the service flow. The process of telecommunication service implementation has a obvious character that is divided into many patterns whose missions are very different.


The telecommunication service with JSP to flow the pattern system is the typical JSP application system, whose development mainly includes two aspects .One is the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance , another is front end the application procedure development . This design establishes the JSP movement environment through JDK and Tomcat and develops in the platform in Eclipse to edit and to debug JavaBean and servlet. It also forms Browser/Web/DataBase three systems structure  whose page is designed with Dreamweaver and the surporting platform is  used SQL as the first floor data.The system has realized the flow monitoring function and compiling the function in the electrical signal line service . The database connection has used the JNDI data pool technology in order to increase the database security and simplify the process of connecting the database in the procedure . This system structure has used the Model2 programming pattern, as a result that the development and maintenance of the system  became more nimble and convenient.At the same time it is easier to later maintenance .
This system structure has used the Model2 programming pattern, as a result that the development and maintenance of the system  became more nimble and convenient.At the same time it is easier to later maintenance .
Keywords:work flow; Java Server Page(JSP); Microsoft SQL Server 2000;JavaBean


    上一篇:基于JSP的BBS系统设计与实现JSP+JavaBean+SQL 下一篇:计算机审计数据的采集、清洗与转换在联网审计