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2016-06-28 01:03

The Applications of Computer Audit Data’ Collection and Cleaning and Transition in Network Audit
Abstract: This thesis is on the basis of software engineering scientific theory, mainly introduces a preposed machine development process of scene audit engineering (AO). The scene audit project (AO) preposed machine development mainly including two aspects: one is used to gather and read primitive database, another one is used to receive primitive data and transformed them into data which need by the scene audit engineering (AO). The requirement of the former one is that it must be able to collect and read familiar finance and business software of market. However the latter one is required to be able to receive and transformed primitive data in order to attain a possibility that the audit engineering(AO) can satisfy to audit several finance and business softwares. That can result of spending cuts and work efficiency raise. The author use “Delphi” of Borland Company as its main development tool, and take advantage of “TCP Agreement” and various object-oriented development tools offered by Delphi, especially a intelligentized database interface called BDE. By iterating demand of prototype system and continuous correction and improvement, this system finally formed. 本文来自中国科教评价网
Keyword:  Audit Engineering;  AO;  Preposed Machine


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