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【内容提要】 20世纪后半叶,从思想史的视野来(6)

2013-11-21 01:02
导读:(17)(18)Nicholas Capaldi and Donald W. Livingston, Liberty in Hume's "History of England", P. 25. (19)Nicholas Capaldi and Donald W. Livingston (editors), Liberty in Hume's "History of England", P. 25

  (17)(18)Nicholas Capaldi and Donald W. Livingston, Liberty in Hume's "History of England", P. 25.

  (19)Nicholas Capaldi and Donald W. Livingston (editors), Liberty in Hume's "History of England", P. 25.

  (20)David Miller, Philosophy and Ideology in Hume's Political Thought, Oxford, 1981, P. 5.

  (21)Kemp Smith, Philosophy of David Hume, London, 1941, esp. Part 1, ch. 1.

  (22)Donald W. Livingston, Hume's Philosophy of Common Life, P. 2.


  (24)Donald W.Livingston, Hume's Philosophy of Common Life P.ix。同时,Spencer K.Wertz也认为,在整个西方的哲学传统中,存在着两种知识范式,一种是笛卡儿式的“数学范式”,一种是休谟的“历史范式”。在这个意义上,休谟的哲学与历史是密不可分的,因为历史是知识的主要来源。见Spencer K·Wertz, Between Hume's Philosophy and History, New York,2000,P.xii.

  (25)关于休谟历史学的最重要的著作有:David Fate Norton and Richard H.Popkin(eds.),David Hume: Philosophical Historian, Indianapolis, 1965; V·Wexler, David Hume and the History of England, Philadelphia,1979; Constant Noble Stockton, "Hume-Historian of the English Constitution"(1970-1971), Eighteen-Century Studies,4,PP.277-93。

  (26)在这方面的研究涌现出诸如Knud Haakonssen, Duncan Forbes, James Moor等名家。


  (28)Duncan Forbes, "Hume's Science of Politics", in G. P. Morice (ed.), David Hume Bicentenary Papers, P.42。

  (29)Hugh Trevor-Roper, "The Scottish Enlightenment", Blackwood's Magazine, 322 (1977)。转Christopher J. Berry, Social Theory of the Scottish Enlightenment, Edinburgh University Press, 1997, P. 189.

  (30)T. Horne, Property Rights and Society : Political Argument in Britain 1605-1834, University of North Carolina Press, 1990, P.73.

  (31)Hiroshi Mizuta, "Toward a definition of the Scottish Enlightenment", Studies in Voltair, 154 (1976), P. 1459, P. 1461.

  (32)Hiroshi Mizuta, "Moral Philosophy and Civil Society" in A. Skinner and T. Wilson (eds.), Essays on Adam Smith, 1975, P.115.

  (33)Nicholas Phillipson, "Hume as Moralist: a Social Historian's Perspective" in S. Brown (ed.), The Philosophers of the Enlightenment, 1979,PP.140-61; Nicholas Phillipson, Hume, London, 1990.

  (34)(35)J. Y. T. Creig (ed.), The Letters of Hume, Oxford, 1932, vol. 2, P.230.

  (36)G. Giarrizzo, David Hume: Politico e Storico, 1962, Turin, P.55.

  (37)分别见Ronald. L. Meek, "The Scottish Contribution to Marxist Sociology" in J. Saville (ed.), Democracy and the Labour Movement, London,1954, P. 98; E. Hobsbawm, "Scottish Reformers of the Eighteenth Century and Capitalist Agriculture" in his Peasants in History, Oxford University Press,1980, P, 5.

  (38)J. Y. T. Greig, David Hume, London, 1931, pp. 375-376.

  (39)Sheldon Wolin, "Hume and Conservativism", in Donald K. Livingston and James T·King, Hume: A Re-Evaluation, P. 239.

  (40)Leslie Stephen, The History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century, New York, 1949, Vol. 2, P. 185.

  (41)Sheldon Wolin, "Hume and Conservatism", American Political science Review(1954),XLIII(4), December,PP999-1016。在论文中,沃林详细地比较了休谟的保守主义与后期的保守主义的不同:①休谟的保守主义不带有后期保守主义的“宗教”维度。休谟不相信:“神意”和所谓的“上帝的策略”(divine tactic)。休谟的保守主义基于对经验进行严格的世俗分析;②休谟的保守主义是内在于启蒙运动的,而不是对于启蒙运动的“反动”,他的保守主义是运用启蒙运动的材料构建的:如他对于客观分析的追求,他对于蒙昧主义的反对,他对于经验数据的信仰、对于先验的厌恶,他对于功利标准的强调等;③休谟的保守主义不是由“大灾祸”的激发,而是反映了一种“奥古斯都式的和平”;④休谟没有后期保守主义者那种把政府作为社会统合之必需的那种高度的敏感性;⑤休谟的保守主义是一种分析的保守主义,而后期的保守主义则是一种形而上学的保守主义,它有一套完整的历史哲学,认为历史有规定的程式,其线路已为上帝之手所决定;⑥休谟的保守主义仍然具有启蒙运动的普世主义趋向,而后来的保守主义则是一种特殊主义的取向:强调民族性和民族价值。

  (42)David Miller, Philosophy and Ideology in Hume's Political Thought, PP. 187-205.

  (43)David Miller, Philosophy and Ideology in Hume's Political Thought, P.15.

  (44)Anthony Quinton, The Politics of Imperfect, London, Faber and Faber, 1978.

  (45)Donald W·Livingston, Hume's Philosophy of Common Life, P.310.

  (46)Nicholas Capaldi, Hume's Place in Moral Philosophy, New York, 1989; Antony Flew, David Hume: Philosopher of Moral Science, Oxford, 1986.

  (47)Laurence L. Bongie, David Hume: Prophet of the Counter-Revolution, Oxford, 1965.

  (48)最早采取这种观点的是密尔(J.S. Mill),他写道:“休谟在玄思中的绝对怀疑主义非常自然地使他在实践中偏向于托利主义的立场。”见David Miller, Philosophy and Ideology in Hume's Political Thought,P.13.

  (49)G. Marshall, "David Hume and Political Scepticism", Philosophical Quarterly, iv (1954), P.252.

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