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2015-01-30 01:31
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,黄宗英报告文学的语言艺术论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘   要




Huang Zongying is a famous writer of reportage, most of her works have influence in literature, her language makes us feel clear elegants, freshness and comfortable . She discribered the reality but without losing its poetic and beautiful form which makes her works have strong aroma of prose and distinctive individual feature. She becomes special in the world of reportage for her works contains distinctive figure, suspicious manner of writing and soliloquize description which forms a special aesthetic and write style. Her works’ aestheticism was shown by her projecting language style. Her reportage was like prose and full of obvious reveal, poetic and individualist language which prove her brilliance in reportage and also established her status in the history of reportage.
Key words: Huang Zongying; reportage; Language art; prose-like; poetic

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