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冰雪资质  爆炭性格—浅析晴雯悲剧的性

2015-02-01 01:37
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,冰雪资质  爆炭性格—浅析晴雯悲剧的性怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:

摘   要



There are many tragedy characters were described integrity in Dream of the Red Chamber, but in which gives the human the deepest impression and also frustrated was Qingwen. She is beautiful, intelligent, noble and pure. However, she also has flaw in her patterns disposition. Another girl named Ping’er in the novel has made a parable judgment to her disposition, she called the Qingwen likes a "exploding coal". Her character argument to others causes her accumulated too many deep grievances, her never record the consequence impulse to let her antagonize people everywhere. The arrogant disposition causes her regardless of all which is like that her lofty character is rugged anytime. In that feudal society with a strict hierarchy, her disposition like exploding coal doomed not to accommodate in the common custom.  It is Qingwen ’s precisely, jealous and wicked  that force her to do something against other’s will, which is frank but also narrow disposition caused her life to perform the tragedy inevitably. (科教范文网http://fw.NSEAC.com编辑发布)
    Key words: Qingwen; Characters; Disposition; Tragedy; Significances


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