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摘 要
关键词:“不” ;“没” ;句法功能; 语义特征
The semantic feature of negative adverb “bu” and “mei” causes the usage of this two words different, especially when they express tense. At the same time, their differences also reflect in ability of combine with words which express “aspect” in modern Chinese.
The difference between “bu” and “mei” is not a simple problem of whether they have been restricted by tense factory, and also not simple semantic feature problem, but a complicated problem that involves various factors, such as tense, aspect, and the language context. So explain simply, some questions can not still get the convincing answer in terms of semanteme. This text will compare “bu” and “mei” in three respects: the ability of combine with predicate word, different usage when they express “tens”, different usage when they express “aspect”. In addition, this text will also combine the concrete language context to analyse the further differences of the adverbial words “bu” and “mei”.
Key words: “bu”; “mei”; Function of the sentence structure; Semantic feature