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2015-07-24 01:16
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,爱的压抑与偏至—论安娜.卡列样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要 安娜•卡列尼


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Ana Kalenina is a secular tragic character in Toesita ’s works. This article analysis Anna’s love tragedy and reveals its apocalyptic meaning to modern society in particularly.
    Ana’s love endures the inhibition and prejudice. While the inhibition is about person without thinking about herself, she is inhibited both by her husband and the society. As to the prejudice is a person who has lost herself. After her inhibited love wakened by her lover, Anna view it to be her only pursuing. The inhibition and the prejudice to love are the dead corner to Anna’s love, which is revealed by she does not have the character throughout her love.
    So, when treating love, the modern women should set up a equal and free between the men; keep a independent and complete character when in love; avoid the dilemma situation as Anna, and find the true love.
    Key words: inhibition of love; prejudice of love; apocalyptic meaning in modern society


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