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2015-08-14 01:12
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,试析《战国策》的语言论辩艺样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要 我国的春秋战国


摘   要




Our countrys Spring and Autumn Period Warring States time, society contradictory very intense, seven formidable political power battles, attack the castle plundering land, each other annexation, has the war every year, this kind greatly turbulent and big transformation, has provided the opportunity and the condition for the strategist of all forms which gives full play, they in slaughter outside battlefield, also opened a violent debate battlefield.
The Warring States time strategist walks in the nation, solicit crowned head. Their language argument art has had the influence to afterwards time.
"Chankuotse" in language argument art mainly displays in the analysis conflicts of interest; Estimates the psychology, sets up the snare ingeniously; Tortuous, tempts the enemy to sneak in the snare three aspects, has the vivid image, the language heroic as well as the bright smooth popular three total characteristics.
Key words: Fight the national policies; The language theory argues the art;
Machinator;Act according to circumstances;Clear and unimpeded and vulgar


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