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2013-09-18 01:27
导读:数学论文毕业论文,集值映射的半连续性,逼近选择和连续选择定理怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 集值

摘要:本文对集值映射的上半连续,下半连续,以及广义下半连续的定义,性质及其它们的关系做了1些探讨.在H- 空间中,我们给出了具有广义Zima型的几乎下半连续集值映射的连续选择定理.作为应用,我们证明了1些不动点定理和极小极大不等式.

Semicontinuity fo Set-valued Map, Approximate Selection ,
Continuous Selection Theorems with Applications
Abstract:In the paper, we researched the definitions, properties and relationships of upper and lower semicontinuous ,and generalized semicontinuous multivalued mapping. In H-spaces, continuous selection theorems  involving almost lower semicontinuous multivalued mapping with generalized Zima type were given.  As applications,  some  fixed point theorems and minimax inequalities were proved.
Keywords: lower semicontinuous;almost lower semicontinuous;generalized Zima type;appropximate selection theorem;
continuous selection;H-spaces

    上一篇:几类函数方程的求解 下一篇:复合函数的孤立奇点与留数计算