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2013-09-18 01:27
导读:数学论文毕业论文,复合函数的孤立奇点与留数计算论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 复合






Compound functions isolated singularity and residue computation is the substantial content of residue theorys application, to several complicated compound function, if we discuss it directly, it is difficulty. To solve this problem, this passage will put compound function into two parts. Firstly, constitute compound functions isolated singularity and relation of interior function and external function. In a degree, the result is ripeness. Where after. We can use certain isolated singularitys property and define of fluxion, constitute several interior function and external functions fluxion or several Laurent quotient to show compound functions flexion’s expressions. Take some example to solve compound function.

Key words: Compound function, isolated singularity, removable singularity, vertex, essential singularity, residue.

    上一篇:集值映射的半连续性,逼近选择和连续选择定理 下一篇:没有了