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2016-08-18 01:05
导读:企业管理论文论文,论企业治理中的控制治理论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘 要 控制治理是指对
摘 要 控制治理是指对企业各项治理活动在执行过程中行为的监视和约束。控制治理过程是通过制定企业的治理制度、确保企业各项政令的执行外还必须重视各层级执行信息的反馈、执行过程中数据的收集、整理分析,并依此作为有效控制企业的依据。控制治理是对组织执行行为的约束,亦即使组织内所有治理活动和执行治理活动的行为严格在组织预定的轨道上运行,因此在企业中控制治理必然越来越受到企业决策者的重视。笔者以为内部控制整体框架除了内部治理控制、企业外部治理控制和治理控制程序外上述三项过程治理外,还应包括建立使以上治理控制有效执行的控制治理架构,这是企业发展到一定阶段的必然需要,必将在企业经营过程中起到越来越重要的作用。  关键词 控制治理;治理控制;控制治理架构
  Abstract control and management refers to the management activities of enterprises in the implementation process of supervision and restraint. Control of the management process is through the development of enterprise management system to ensure that enterprises of the implementation of the decree, we must attach importance to the implementation of the various levels of information feedback, the process of implementing the collection of data, and analyzed, and so as the basis for effective control of enterprises. Control and management of the Organization of the implementation of the binding, even if all management activities within the organization and implementation of strict management activities of the organization is scheduled to run on the track, control and management in the enterprise will inevitably be more and more attention to corporate decision makers. I believe that the overall internal control framework in addition to internal management controls, corporate external management control and management control procedures, the three process management, so that should also include the establishment of effective management control over the implementation of the control and management structure, which is enterprise development to a certain stage of the An inevitable need in the business process will certainly play an increasingly important role.   Key wordscontrol and management; management control; control and management structure

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