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2015-01-30 01:31
导读:(16),.邓小平.邓小平文选(第三卷),北京:人民出版社,1993年版,300。 (17),参见:政治生活的系统分析,第2章。 (18),所谓"安全阀"机制,是由德


Abstract: This essay mainly discusses the main political development goals in the future in China, from three aspects such as the expanding of political participation, the strengthening of ruling of law, and political stability, etc. The authors use the normal theories of the political development and base their views on the background of the modernization, especially the special social conditions and requirements in the transition term in China. The essay mainly discusses the reasons (necessity), condition (feasibility) and the concrete directions of the three aspects mentioned above. And points that in the political developing in the future in China, we should harmonize the three aspects because they are consist and relying on each other.
Key words: China, political development, political participation, rule of law, political stability.

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