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摘 要:当代篮球运动正沿着主体空间和高难度技战术方面发展,而篮板球技术成为篮球运动中1个至关重要的技术环节。因此连续起跳抢篮板球便成为抢篮板球时1项不可缺少的技术。正因为现代篮球运动正向空间方向发展,所以谁能在最短的时间里能够充分的发挥连续起跳技术,谁就能在制空权和拥有篮板球。本文从连续起跳抢篮板球的技术动作,影响因素和训练方法3个方面进行分析研究。尽量分析和研究出连续起跳抢篮板球的正确动作,控制其影响因素和建议良好的训练方法。
关键词:连续起跳 制空权 篮板球 爆发力
Discuss Lightly that Plays a Role in Jumping
to Backboard Recovery
Abstract: Contemporary basketball sport develop along subject space and highly difficult skill tactics, and reboard technology becomes an essential technological link in basketball sports. An indispensable technology when backboard recovery becomes backboard recovery to take-off in succession . Just because modern basketball is it develop toward space to move, so who can can abundant full play take-off technology in succession in most short time, someone can be in air supremacy and possession reboard. Technological movements of backboard recovery from take-offing of this text in succession , influence factor and method of training, three respects, are analysed and researched . Try ones best to analyse and work out take-offing correct movements of backboard recovery in succession , control its influence factor and propose the good training method
Key words:Take-off in succession Airsupremacy Reboard
Explosive force