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美国大学工商管理教育专业认证评析 李云梅 【摘(6)

2013-07-26 01:25
导读:C37 E..Henningger. Th。,nencan、sembly oI CollegiateSchools oI Business under new standards: Implications Iorchanging Iaculty work. Journal oI Education Ior Business1998 .73:133~ 137. [,〕('har

  C37 E..Henningger. Th。,nencan、sembly oI CollegiateSchools oI Business under new standards:  Implications Iorchanging Iaculty work.  Journal oI Education Ior Business1998 .73:133~ 137.

  [,〕('harles  Pringle,  Mitri  Michel.、sessment  Practices  in('SB一ccredited Business Schools.  .lournal oI EducationforH日si门e、、.2()()7:202 } 211.


  82( I)T卜ememcan、semhly oI ('ollegiateSchools oI Business under new standards; Implications Iorchanging Iaculty work.  Journal oI Education Ior Business1998 .73:133 } 137.

  [11〕、sociation oI ('ollegiate Business Schools and Programs.

  http: // www.  achsp. org一 p一 stuld,一 }.sid一、1  02;iahout,2012. 02. 13[12] K.  J二Tullis,  et.1.  Strategic Implications oI SpecialisedBusiness Schoolccreditation;  End oI the Line Ior SomeBusiness Education  Programs?.  Journal  oI  Education  IorBusiness. 2007. 83 (1):I;}一i1.

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  Site一('SB}.webKev - ('DEF77一6173一I9 BB -9B2一(E21EC93841E,2012.02.14[1i〕、soctatton  tc〕。Ivance  Collegiate  Schools  oI  Business((:SB).  C2006).  Eligibility procedures and accreditationstandards Ior business accreditation,  http:// www,:C56.

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  [19] M.  F. Hazeldine,t}tion standardsL.endS.82} I):


  T卜eZ00,3(SH川、‘、re山implications Iorof Edur}tion  forl川、1ne55HIIS1ne55.

  Iaculty:2004. AOedulaccreditation/businesslSTVDK DS, pdI[16〕 K.  K. Thompson.。〔〕tversation with Milton Blood;  Theshort note.  Journal2弓~3岛.

  门ew(SB standards[20〕('harles Pringle,  Mitri  Michel.、sessment  Practices;t('SB一ccredited Business Schools. .lournal oI Educationd厂171 M.

  Edor}tion.2004.:3cademy oI Management LearningI29-v I39.

  Ior Business. 2007.82(4):202- 211.

  Blood()nlv you cancreate actionable knowledge.。demy oI Management Learning  }.  Education,  2006.i[2川钟来林:《本科教学评估若干热点问题浅析 ((高等教育研究决2012年第G期A Comment on the Accreditation for AmericanUndergraduate Business Administration EducationLi YunmeiThis paper has discussed the history of accreditation for American undergraduate business admirristration education.pointing out that social accountability and advantageous edge are two main drivingforces for American universities active application for accreditation. It also proposes that the accredi-tation is not only the inevitable choice for US business schools in their strategic development.but alsothe important means for business education quality to win social recognition.and to access social sup-ports.  The accreditation is regarded as the symbol of education excellence.  In China.the credibilityfor assessment result needs to be improved.  It is to be perfected in the evaluation idea.assessmentmethods.evaluations position.the assessment team and assessment content.

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