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[关键词] nm23;p53;肺癌
Expression of mutation and significance of tumor metastasis suppressor gene nm23 and p53 in lung cancer
[Abstract] Objective Our study was aimed to investigate whether nm23 expression and p53 gene mutation in the primary cardiocarcinoma correlated with tumor staging,recurrence,metastasis and patient survival time.Methods RT-PCR and PCR-SSCP were used to test the expression of nm23,test the mutation in p53 of the samples.31 cases paraffin embeded samples were selected.Results The gene expression rate of nm23 were 38.7% and the gene mutation rate of p53 was 48.86%.All expression and mutation happened in the low grade tumor.In this study,nm23 gene expression and p53 gene mutation were correlated with histological grade and clinical stage closely.Conclusion We found that nm23 and p53 are play important role in the development and progression of lung cancer.Nm23 and p53 appear to be associated with the proliferation and progression of lung cancer.Both of them can be used as prognostic factors in lung cancer.[Key words] nm23;p53;lung cancer
目前认为肿瘤的发生是细胞内单基因或多基因发生改变决定的,抑癌基因的失活和癌基因的激活是正常细胞转化为癌细胞的主要原因[1,2]。nm23基因、p53基因是目前发现分布最广,与肿瘤相关性最高的癌相关基因,它们与肺癌的相关性报道虽较多,但结论不一,且多为单一因素分析。为寻找有助于准确地预测局部肿瘤的进展、分型及预后情况的临床参照指标,笔者采用PCR-SSCP(polymerase chain reaction-single stranded conformation polymorphism)和RT-PCR技术检测了31例肺癌术后石蜡包埋病理切片中的nm23表达及p53基因外显子突变情况,并分析其与肺癌发展及预后的关系,现报告如下。
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料 标本选用浙江省肿瘤医院胸外科和浙江医院胸外科1993~2000年肺癌切除、病理蜡块31例,男12例,女19例,年龄35~80岁,平均63岁。病理:中分化腺癌5例,低分化腺癌24例,乳头状腺癌1例,腺泡细胞癌1例。Ⅰa 1例,Ⅰb 2例,Ⅱa 6例,Ⅱb 4例,Ⅲa 18例。按国际联合抗癌联盟UICC标准:Tis~T1 9例,T2~T3 14例,T4 8例,另取2例正常肺癌组织蜡块作为对照。随访1~9年。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 提取DNA 取石蜡包埋病理标本,切片5 μm厚,取3~4片标本剪碎置于1.5 ml EP管中,加入二甲苯脱蜡,离心弃上清液,沉淀后依次加入100%、95%、70%乙醇漂洗。加入消化液和蛋白酶K混匀,50 ℃过夜;用蛋白沉淀液沉淀蛋白质,离心,将上清液转入新的EP管中,加入冷乙醇沉淀DNA,用1.2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳。