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作者:郭连英,陈 骏,沈 洁,邢 嵘1,施广霞,钱振超
【摘要】 目的 本实验采用榄香烯与生物大分子合成抑制剂联合处理小鼠肝癌细胞Hca-F,观察肿瘤细胞增殖、凋亡和形态学的变化,探讨抑制/干扰肿瘤细胞的DNA、RNA或蛋白质合成对榄香烯抗瘤作用的影响,以期为判断榄香烯作用的可能靶点提供线索与依据。方法 将Hca-F肝癌细胞用榄香烯(50μg/ml)、吡柔比星(THP)(10μmol/ml)、单独和复合处理,设单独瘤细胞(不处理)为阴性对照。Hca-F细胞浓度均为1×106/ml,每个观察时间点均设3支复管,用台盼蓝拒染法计算细胞存活率,在透射电镜下观察榄香烯与THP联合处理对肿瘤细胞超微结构的影响,用流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡和细胞周期。结果 榄香烯联合吡柔比星处理Hca-F比单独使用两种药物的抑瘤率都高。结论 本实验所用生物大分子合成抑制剂不能阻断榄香烯的抗瘤作用,提示榄香烯抗肿瘤作用对新的蛋白质表达依赖性较低。结合榄香烯处理后瘤细胞形态学的变化,提示榄香烯可能作用于肿瘤细胞膜或细胞中的某些蛋白质(如酶)等而直接杀伤肿瘤靶细胞,使对榄香烯抗瘤作用靶点的认识又进了一步。本实验结果表明榄香烯和THP合用可使抗癌作用增强,这对榄香烯联合其他药物治疗肿瘤可能有一定参考意义。
【关键词】 榄香烯;抑制剂;肝细胞癌
The effect of elemene combined with inhibitors of macromolecular synthesis for hepatic cancer
【Abstract】 Objective In this experiment of Hca-F cells (a murine hepatic cell carcinoma) were treated with elemene combined with inhibitors of macromolecular synthesis, their proliferation, survival, cell cycle, apoptosis and morphology were observed. To clarify the influences of inhibition of DNA, RNA and protein on the antitumor effects of elemene and to find the possible target site of elemene.Methods The Hca-F cells were singled or mingled treated with elemene(50μg/ml),alone or combined with THP (10μmol/ml), the Hca-F cells(without treatment) were used to be the negative compare. The end consistence of Hca-F cells is 1×106/ml, three tubles in every time point. To calculate the proportion of survival with trypanblue, and observe the impact on the ultrastructure of Hca-F cells treated with elemene and THP in transmission electron microscope, and examine the apoptosis and cell cycles in flow cytometer. Results The inhibition rate of proliferation of Hca-F treated with elemene and THP was higher than that of Hca-F treated with elemene only.Conclusion These results showed that the antitumor effects of elemene could not abolished by combined treatment or pretreatment with the inhibitors of DNA, RNA, protein synthesis, which suggest that the antitumor effects of elemene may be independent on their synthesis. Combined usage of elemene with THP to cancer therapy is advisable.