计算机应用 | 古代文学 | 市场营销 | 生命科学 | 交通物流 | 财务管理 | 历史学 | 毕业 | 哲学 | 政治 | 财税 | 经济 | 金融 | 审计 | 法学 | 护理学 | 国际经济与贸易
计算机软件 | 新闻传播 | 电子商务 | 土木工程 | 临床医学 | 旅游管理 | 建筑学 | 文学 | 化学 | 数学 | 物理 | 地理 | 理工 | 生命 | 文化 | 企业管理 | 电子信息工程
计算机网络 | 语言文学 | 信息安全 | 工程力学 | 工商管理 | 经济管理 | 计算机 | 机电 | 材料 | 医学 | 药学 | 会计 | 硕士 | 法律 | MBA
现当代文学 | 英美文学 | 通讯工程 | 网络工程 | 行政管理 | 公共管理 | 自动化 | 艺术 | 音乐 | 舞蹈 | 美术 | 本科 | 教育 | 英语 |


2015-04-25 01:10




The superficial analysis of Collaborative Commerce application in automobile industry of our country
Abstract: Collaborative Commerce as a new word in the age of information, its definition and basic memory has been recognized and applied extensively by enterprises .To integrate the application of Collaborative enterprises and destroy isolated information has been the topic title in the information enterprises.  Firstly , this paper introduces the basic theory and the system module of Collaborative Commerce. And expatiates the actuality and the existed problems in our country’s automobile industry , using the SWOT to give an overall analysis about the strategy environment of our country’s automobile industry. Then , puts forward the relevant suggestion about how to apply Collaborative Commerce from the aspects of internal enterprises, automobile industry ,trades and government .Finally, analysis the cases to express the application of Collaborative Commerce in our country’s automobile industry. The article wish with the use of Collaborative Commerce and its application in our country’s automobile industry, to get the purpose of enhancing the integration and continuity and flexibility of Collaborative Commerce , also further improving the benefit and level of service in cooperation enterprises, thereby reducing the cost of Collaborative Commerce.

Keywords: Collaborative Commerce;E- Commerce;Coordination stock management;Automobile profession


    上一篇:浅析中小企业开展电子商务存在的问题及对策 下一篇:我国中小企业网络营销的问题及对策