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2015-04-25 01:10

摘  要:随着计算机技术和Internet 的迅速发展, 时间和空间的概念、消费者的概念、市场的性质和市场行为等皆发生了深刻变化, 网络营销应运而生。网络营销对传统营销模式造成了1定的冲击,同时也给中小企业带来了1定的机遇。中小企业应抓住机遇,积极开展网络营销。认识网络营销的营销理念, 采取相应的网络营销策略, 将是企业获得未来竞争优势的关键。


The issue of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country
 and countermeasures
Abstract: With the rapid development of computer technology and Internet, Concepts of time and space, consumer characteristic of market and the market behavior have changed remarkably; which make e-marketing born. E-marketing influences the mode of traditional marketing. But it also brings some opportunities to small and medium sized enterprises. They should grasp the opportunities and develop e-marketing actively. So Internet marketing should understand conception of Internet marketing and adopt respective countermeasures, which will be the key factor for enterprises to success in market competition.
The article is divided into three parts. The first part puts forward the concept of small and medium-sized enterprises. The second part analyses the actuality of small and medium-sized enterprises and the main problems.  Some countermeasures about medium-sized enterprises Internet marketing are put forward in the last part.

Key words: Internet Marketing; E - commerce; Marketing stratagem (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.Com编辑整理)

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