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摘要: 随着经济的飞速发展,高新技术对中小企业发展物流带来的巨大作用和商机正在日益显示。特别是在加入WTO后,它为中小企业提供了大量新的市场机会、使中小企业提高经济效益、促使中小企业更好地适应市场变化、开拓国际市场、改革管理组织等等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。然而,在中国现在物流发展的形势下,中小企业发展物流仍然存在1些问题,要想在物流市场中实现与那些大的物流企业的竞争与共存,也就需要我国中小物流企业从它的生存现状,生存空间和它的竞争优势以及它们的市场进行分析。通过有针对性的分析,中小企业根据自身的实际情况,作出合理的决策:选择合理的行业,形成合理的组织形势,采取合理的竞争策略,寻找1条适合中小企业的物流发展之路。
关键字: 中小企业 ; 第3方物流 ; 物流 ; 供应链
The Logistics Development Strategy
Study of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Abstract: Along with the rapid electronic development, the huge function and the business opportunity The high-tech brings to mid- and small-scale enterprises are displaying their role day by day. Especially, when China became a member of WTO, The electronic commerce is exerting more and more vital impact in providing the massive new market opportunity for mid- and small-scale enterprise, enabling the mid- and small-scale enterprises to enhance the economic efficiency and adapting to the market shift, tapping into and expanding the international market, reforming the management organization and so on . However, under the current logistics development situation in China, the development of logistics in the mid-and small-enterprises still face some problems. An analysis of the living status quo and the living space as well as the competitive advantage together with their market is indispensable so as to make them coexist with the large scale logistics enterprises .the mid- and small-scale enterprises, through some pointed analysis, should make reasonable decision ,chose the right industry and develop sound strategy, forge a reasonable organization form, Adopts the reasonable competition strategy.so as to seek a path fit for their own development in accordance with their specific situation.
Keywords: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises、TPL (The Third Logistics)、Logistics、Supply chain 内容来自www.nseac.com