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2015-04-26 01:04


关键词:  汽车行业; 电子商务; 4阶段发展模式

Studying on the development mode of electronic
commerce in domestic automobile industry
At present, high-tech which take the information technology as representative develop rapidly and economy is globalizing. Promoting traditional manufacture industry construct information by using electronic commerce has become an important method that advance and maintain the core competitive ability of the enterprise .This article explain the concept of electronic commerce .In the foundation that analyses the current application of the electronic commerce in the domestic and foreign automobiles industry,  this article summarize the experiences of electronic commerce in automobile industry of developed country and the issues in the process of carrying on electronic commerce of domestic automobile enterprise. Besides, this article study on different development mode of electronic commerce  domestic told of by experts worldwide, creatively propose four stages development mode about the development of electronic commerce for domestic automobile industry ,compares  the course of Honda of Guangzhou which develop electronic commerce to carry on the applied analysis to this four stages development mode.The mode is in the foundation which analyzes to the supply chain of the automobile industry, bases to the special environment of Chinese automobile industry develop electronic commerce, proposed brand-new development mode.The essential purpose of this article is promoting the enterprise’s constrcut information of domestic automobile industry under the economical globalization,  enhancing the market competence of domestic enterprise in automobile industry after China became a memember of WTO, and providing reference for the development of domestic automobile industry.

Keywords:  Automobile industry;  Electronic commerce;  Four stages development mode (转载自http://www.NSEAC.com中国科教评价网)

    上一篇:我国中小企业网络营销的问题及对策 下一篇:淘宝网经营战略的SWOT分析及启示