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2015-04-26 01:04



The SWOT Analysis and Enlightenment about
the Operation Strategies of Taobao

Abstract:In C2C market of our country, Taobao Web caught up eBay who was the leader in the same industry during the time just more than two years. Analyzing its competitive strategies, may provide a good model for this field. Taobao cut into the market rapidly on the basis of its free strategy, won a large number of users through its comprehensive concentration, secured transaction by promoting payments, and carried on the stage promotion and the strategic alliance according to the changes of condition. These all are successful points which Taobao operated. It is sure that Taobao still exists some flaws, so how to bring its advantages into play and conquer the disadvantages become the significant problems that the proprietors have to face in the fiercely website competitions. This paper gives the overall analysis about its operate strategies by SWOT.

Keywords:  Taobao Web; Operation Strategies; SWOT Analysis; Enlightenment


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