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2017-12-25 04:14
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论无独立请求权第三人律毕业论文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘  要


关键词:独立请求权 ;   第3人;     诉讼地位


With the progressive of society and development of the economy,the communication among people become much closer and trivialer,which has changed from "single to single" to "single to double-edged".The choser communication has already aggravated  serious economic entanglements,these confusion issue not only impeding the advance of communication but also speeding the confusing economy.Politic and statute play an important nole in adjusting economy,when economic entanglement affects the law,the law seems very important .Especially when the contreversy brought about another , the civil procedure law seemed to be  valuable,but the third people procedure institution--as the core of the civil procedure law is of great significance。Nevertheless,confronting such a important institution,our countrys statute is not perfect both in the statutes clause and the practice of judicature,the institution havent brought into play its function。Whtas more,it impeded the couse of the law to some extend .My thesis will analyse this institution comprehensively following .

Key words: independance request right ;lawsuit third person ;lawsuit status 中国大学排名

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